Blend-in mouse clicks: Visualizes mouse clicks with a black circle in the screen recording.Once you click on the New Screen Recording. Save last selection: This saves your last selection of settings as standard for future screen recordings on your Mac. To access the feature, you need to open the Screenshot Utility tool by pressing Shift-Command-5 on your keyboard.Show floating thumbnail: When activated, a miniature thumbnail of the recorded video will appear at the bottom right of the screen.To do this, simply select the correct microphone.
Microphone: While your screen is being recorded on your Mac, you also have the option to record your voice or other audio sources.Timer: Define the time when the video should be started.Save as: Define where the recording should be automatically saved once you’ve completed your video.Before you start recording your Mac screen, you can configure the following settings via the “Options” tab: When holding down the shift + command (⌘) + 5 keys at the same time, the symbols toolbar will launch all its controls. That’s because Apple has extended its Mac screenshot tool with a screen recording feature. You can now play, edit, or share the recording.Thanks to the extended screenshot symbol toolbar in macOS Mojave, recording the screen on your MacBook or another Mac device can be activated in just a few steps.
After you stop recording, QuickTime Player automatically opens the recording. To stop recording, click the Stop button in the menu bar, or press Command-Control-Esc (Escape). Or drag to select an area to record, then click Start Recording within that area. Click anywhere on the screen to begin recording the entire screen. To start recording, click the Record button and then take one of these actions:. To show a black circle around your pointer when you click, choose Show Mouse Clicks in Recording. If you get audio feedback, lower the volume or use headphones with a microphone. To monitor that audio during recording, adjust the volume slider. To record your voice or other audio with the screen recording, choose a microphone. Before starting your recording, you can click the arrow next to the Record button to change the recording settings:. It will open a camera window, which you will use to record your face. If you see the Screen Recording window described below, follow those steps. Open QuickTime Player on your Mac, and select File > New Movie Recording. If you see the onscreen controls described above, follow those steps. Perform the keyboard shortcut Command + Shift + 3 to get an image of your Macs screen, as well as images for any connected monitors. Open QuickTime Player from your Applications folder, then choose File > New Screen Recording from the menu bar. How to take a screenshot on a Mac: Full-screen screenshot.